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Economic Benefits
Hydrogen Canada’s project will create more than 2,000 jobs and 100 permanent skilled jobs in Alberta, Canada. Developing robust value chain utilizing Canada’s abundant and low-cost natural gas will help the industry suffering from discounted natural gas price, and secure long-term future for Canada’s resources. Not only will it benefit the related industries, but also existing local businesses and industries, unlocking significant economic value for Alberta and Canada, while advancing to meet our GHG emission reduction targets.
Environment Impacts
Hydrogen Canada’s operation in Edmonton, Canada will minimize CO2 emissions up to 90 % using proven CO2 capture technology and Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL)’s existing CO2 transportation and management systems to minimize environmental impacts. Based on the estimation of environmental research, the global hydrogen economy would reduce the climate impact of fossil fuel system it replaces by 99.4 % (Derwent et al., 2006)
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